

Hello, is this thing on?

The chillin' is over. I have been too schizo to be able to write. Between the pleasure of vacation with family, the feel-good rapture of Live8 (watch on demand) and the dread of the London Bombings, I just can't feel anything. Add to that the disappointing insanity of Portuguese politics and family illness and the horrible state of health care in Portugal, I can't quite regroup. I am charging up, though. Observing, filling up the brainwaves. You'll here about these things soon...

In the meantime, my state of mind is very well summed up by one of my favourite disco-punk bands, !!!, or chik chik chik, as they are usually known...

!!! -- Hello? Is This Thing On? (audio). You can also get the Quick time Video on the Louden Up Now Album page. You can also stream the whole album.

Hey, everybody is acting like I am crazy!!?? Isto só dá mesmo estando doido....

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