

Save Our Selves | Live Earth | 7.7.07

"Live Earth will use the global reach of music to engage people on a mass scale to combat our climate crisis. Live Earth will bring together more than 150 of the world's top musicians for 24-hours of music from 7 concerts across all 7 continents. Live Earth will bring together an audience of more than 2 billion at the concerts and through television, radio, film, and the Internet. That audience, and the proceeds from the event, will create the foundation for a new, multi-year global effort to combat the climate crisis led by Vice President Al Gore. Kevin Wall, Worldwide Executive Producer of Live 8, is producing Live Earth.

All Live Earth venues will be designed and constructed by a groundbreaking team of sustainability engineers and advisors directed by John Picard. This greening team will address the environmental and energy management concerns of each concert site, as well as the operations of sponsors, partners, and other Live Earth affiliates.

Each venue will not only be designed to maintain a minimum environmental impact, but will showcase the latest state-of-the-art energy efficiency, on-site power generation, and sustainable facilities management practices."

More Information @ Save Our Selves | Live Earth | 7.7.07 and @ The MSN official broadcast site for Live Earth. Also see the news at BBC



Wine, Tenure and shaking-bunda!

So my tenure letter arrived today! It was a long process, a lot of work, but largely uneventful. I have known about the positive result for quite a while now, but I was not able to say anything until it became official today. So I am officially a rat today, as they say.

And just by coincidence, the friend who is mostly responsible for getting me to Indiana (even though he is no longer here but in super-fab Edinburgh) sent me a link to this Wine & Cookies bunda-shaking mix by DJ People's Champion. Could have not arrived at a better time! Wine & Shaking Booty is what I plan for tonight, if only Bloomington had a good place to do that! Will be just me and my wife on our private basement disco. Thanks Andy! Hope to see you soon, hopefully at Lux in Lisbon during the summer?

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