


Very interesting polls discussed in "Do Millennial Men Want Stay-at-Home Wives?" These regressive numbers show how much the #IdentityPolitics approach to gender relations has failed. Too much labeling, attention and differentiation of specific groups, however well intentioned, ultimately also reinforces the distinctions and biases one is trying to avoid. Similar regression in attitudes to race has been observed in the last US presidential election. Simple point-counterpoint dynamics. A much more inclusive, human- (not identity-) centered approach is needed. Dare I say a more rainbow approach to diversity? Indeed, it is in Portugal and Brasil---where the social dynamics has always been more human- rather than identity-centered---that gender balance in science is closest to equality, each just a percentage point shy of a 50-50 split




I've got a face, not just my race

The categories of identity politics are exactly the same as those of racism and sexism, just turned upside down on the scale of intentions. What is truly revolutionary is to erase these categories. The rock revolution of Presley, the Beatles and the Stones was all about blending race. The revolutionary blast of the New York Dolls and Glam Rock was about blending gender. Bowie, of course, did it all, which was continued by (post-Young Americans) Disco and all of his 80s children, including Prince, as well as all electronic music that derived (interestingly, Rock became a reactionary white affair, a bit like Jazz before it).

We're all individuals. "I've got a face, not just my race". Too bad academics and most political parties don't seem to accept that revolution and breakout of these categories.The point is that Identity Politics, rather than working to erase the categories of racism/sexism/homophobia, worked to enhance them, albeit with good intentions. The problem is that those linguistic categories have maintained and indeed enhanced the discourse of racism/sexism/homophobia itself---the good intentions of Identity Politics are a bit like how Graham Greene describes the good intentions of Alden Pyle, the Quiet American: "Innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm". If civil rights had instead fought to erase the categories themselves (which many people like Gore Vidal for years have suggested), focusing on individual- rather than group-freedoms, we would not have created monsters like Trump. That is my opinion, anyway. Perpetuating these categories offers no solutions, simply entrenches distinctions among groups of (diverse) people.

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I'm every human

The movie Zootopia is a cute, beautiful allegory of utopian diversity, Disney style. But just like identity politics itself, if you take it to its logical limits, it becomes as politically incorrect as it gets because, ultimately, there is no pure identity, nor should there be. Also, imagining the origin and evolution of a specific identity implies unfounded and usually tasteless stories. Yes, I did enjoy the movie,but just like time travel, never follow the logical limits of identity politics.

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