

Beauty Stab!

Writing the previous post reminded me of the song which inspired the title of this blog, and indeed why I started this blog to begin with. Mostly because I need to vent against the fear zeitgeist I allude to in the previous post. The politics of fear aims directly against people who feel at ease in and have a passion for a global culture -- the urban citizens. Sure we want a more compassionate globalization, but we don't want to throw away the baby with the bath water. If the solution to the problems of globalization is to cage us in our old-fashioned nation-states, then, well, I said it below, our generation lost. And, man, do we hate to loose -- we hate it with a passion!

Hey stands for passion
City stands for urban
Zen stands for compassion
Hey City Zen! is a call for the rebirth of a positive "can do" attitude

So here is the song, by ABC, of course, from their most forgotten album, Beauty Stab:


Here they come
Slumming their way outta the Jacuzzi
Well, I've lived in a slum, sugar plum
Hit and run
And it did not amuse me
There they go
Moving around on the radio
Well I've been on that show
Reap and sow, feed and grow
And it did not amuse me

Hey Citizen! Hey American!
Hey Russian! Hey Citizen!

Beauty stab
When the good things in life
Have all grown bad
The cat's out the bag
Smash and grab, burn the flag
And didn't it fool me?
throw it out !
It's not worth the paper it's written on
No ifs and buts
Spending cuts, cheaper smut
They say they could use me

All through summer
There's no glamour in the slammer
No glamour in the slammer
Until you make a run
All through summer, the splendours
Pretty slender
The splendours pretty slender
Until you make a run

Here they come
Slumming their way out of the Jacuzzi
Well I've lived in a slum, sugar plum
Hit and run and it did not amuse me
There they go
Grooving around on the radio
Well I've been on that show, reap and sow
Feed and grow, and it didn't amuse me

Hey villager! Hey Citizen!
Hey Countryman! Hey, now listen!
Hey Chinaman! Hey European!
Hey Russian! Hey American!
Hey Cowboy! Hey Indian!
Hey anyway! Hey, hey, hey Citizen!


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