

The synthesis of my non-life

So now I post a "press release" on why I have no life other than organizing this conference...

Integrating artificial life simulation with synthetic biology
200 scientists from 22 countries to attend Informatics-hosted Alife X Conference

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – Biologists long have focused their microscopes and attention on how the natural world works. Artificial life, in turn, uses complex computing techniques to better understand, visualize and even mimic life’s processes

Now comes an approach that combines science and engineering in order to design and construct novel biological parts, devices and biological systems for useful purposes. It’s called synthetic biology, and it will be one of the focuses of discussion at the June 3-7 10th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems conference, better known as Artificial Life X.

The event, sponsored by the Indiana University School of Informatics, brings together some of the world’s leading experts in biology, informatics and other disciplines.

“Synthetic biology emphasizes the technology in biotechnology and it concentrates on the intentional design of real biological systems,” says Luis Rocha, associate professor of informatics, who chairs the conference’s organizing committee. “Its potential uses might one day lead to the reversal of aging and innovative medical treatments such as beneficial bacterial infections programmed to augment immunity. All of this, naturally also raises many bioethical issues that we are interested to discuss in an interdisciplinary setting.”

Two scientists who have pioneered and probed the uses of synthetic biology will discuss their work and challenges in that field at ALife X: Clyde A. Hutchinson III, Distinguished Investigator at the J. Craig Venter Institute and professor emeritus of microbiology at the University of North Carolina; and Norman Packard, chief executive officer of ProtoLife, a Venice, Italy, science and research technology center.

Hutchinson’s work with gene function and DNA sequencing at the Venter Institute teams him with Nobel Laureate Hamilton O. Smith, and Craig Venter, former president of Celera Genomics, a commercial enterprise of the Human Genome Project.

Packard, an external faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute, is known for his research of artificial life systems and predictive modeling of complex systems.

Another scientist who will be present at the Alife X conference is Antonio Coutinho, a leading immunologist at Portugal’s Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia. He’s been cited as a “Top 250 Most Cited Researcher” by the Information Sciences Institute, a company that specializes in analyzing scientific literature. Coutinho will discuss his immunosomatics theory of the organization of the adaptive immune system.

“An understanding of the principles of organization of adaptive immunity can first be tested via artificial life simulations which may later lead to future medical treatments using synthetic biology technology,” Rocha says.

More than 200 scientists from over 22 countries will be represented at the Alife X conference, which will be held at the Indiana Memorial Union on the IU Bloomington campus.

Artificial life is an emerging informatics-based discipline that models the behavior of biological systems such as evolution, reproduction, growth, disease, learning, socialization and even death. It applies biological principles to produce technology designs for computer hardware and software, robots, spacecraft and aviation, medicine, nanotechnology, industrial fabrication and assembly, and other engineering specialties.

IU and its School of Informatics in Bloomington are home to significant artificial life research and education programs, involving faculty in informatics, computer science, cognitive science, physics and other fields.

Details about Alife X events and speakers can be found at alifex.org.

by Joe Stuteville, Media contact, Indiana University School of Informatics

PS: Devias colocar também a versão em Língua Portuguesa para treinar a aprendizagem para a Lingua Inglesa.

Cuidado com as PALAVRAS que usas nos TEUS ARTIGOS!

Porque …..

"Vamos acabar com a Língua Portuguesa para salvar Portugal"!!

(Bingo de última hora: http://www.publico.clix.pt/shownews.asp?id=1258504 )

Ora confirma.

“Os ESPANHÓIS evoluem. Os PORTUGUESES regridem!! E deixem de culpar os Políticos e as Políticas!”.
Coitados dos Portugueses e Coitados dos Brasileiros! Coitados dos Angolanos e dos Moçambicanos! (os 4 Povos mais CORRUPTOS da/o Europa/Mundo).
Coitados também dos Monarcas!
E tudo por CAUSA da Língua Portuguesa e do CLERO de tempos idos da Igreja Católica.
MONARQUIA: "Rei-Nú", Eu i-rei, eu se-rei, eu ganha-rei, eu canta-rei (mas nunca realizo esse futuro), "Dó-Na" Maria II, “Dó-Na” Isabel I, “Dó-na” Filipa de Lencastre, etc, etc, etc.
MULHERES: “Dó-Na” Dores, “Dó-Na” Sara, “Dó-Na” Ma.ria, “Dó-Na” AnÃ, “Dó-Na Viole.ta”, “Dó-Na” Ofélia, ……. O meu “Namora-Dó”. O meu “Amá-Dó”. Ele/a (filho/a) “Dor-Mia”. Tanta tanta PENA delas.
POLÍTICOS: "Demo-Cracia" (poder do Demónio), "Dê-Puta-Dó", "Parti-Dó" (de "Quebra-Dó", de inútil), "Poli-Tico" (Tico & Teco. Dois Esquilos). “Sida-Dão”,
PAÍS DE MENTIROSOS: “Politica Mente”, “Eficaz Mente”, “Eficiente Mente”, “Verdadeira Mente”, “Practica Mente”, “Teórica Mente”, “Social Mente”, etc, etc.
DOENTES: "Pensa-Dôr" (Gabriel o Pensa-Dôr que tinha dôr de cotovelo das Loiras), Trabalha-Dôr, Mora-Dôr, Eleva-Dôr, Desperta-Dôr, Computa-Dôr, Desenha-Dôr,....... milhares.
ANIVERSÁRIO: Quantos ANÚS tens?!
OUTROS EXEMPLOS EM: "As PALAVRAS ÚTEIS Portuguesas estão, PRACTICA-MENTE, todas XUNGADAS!", http://eunaodesisto.blogs.sapo.pt/2505.html
ÚLTIMA HORA 1: Já são vários os Países Estrangeiros que descobriram – MAS EM PORTUGAL AINDA NÃO!!! - que os alunos Portugueses são coitadinhos.

Mas os Canadianos ainda não descobriram que é por causa da Língua Portuguesa! AI SE ELES DESCOBREM!

Ver: "Filhos de portugueses discriminados na escola", http://jn.sapo.pt/2006/03/05/ultima/filhos_portugueses_discriminados_esc.html

“as crianças luso-canadianas são "ROTULADAS COMO PORTADORAS DE deficiências de aprendizagem" e com menor grau de aptidões que a população em geral", o que cria estigmas e provoca o abandono escolar.”
ÚLTIMA HORA 2: Os Europeus não caíram na “Ladainha do Coitadinho”. Estão a ajudar Portugal a ACABAR COM A LÍNGUA Portuguesa.
Ver: “Parlamento Europeu aprova INDICADOR DE COMPETÊNCIAS LINGUÍSTICAS que exclui língua portuguesa”, in http://www.publico.clix.pt/shownews.asp?id=1255406
e Ver: “Língua Portuguesa EXCLUÍDA”, http://jn.sapo.pt/2006/04/28/primeiro_plano/lingua_portuguesa_excluida.html
PS: Os ESPANHÓIS evoluem. Os PORTUGUESES regridem!!
DOM Juan Carlos. DOM Quixote de La Mancha. Etc, etc, etc.
“Dó-Na” Dores, “Dó-Na” Sara, “Dó-Na” Ma.ria. Etc, etc, etc. AXIOMA: “Um País vale o que valem as suas Mulheres”.


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