

Message to Maureen Dowd

You should really try to address the issues raised on the vanity fair piece about the hit job on Al Gore you participated in.

I'd rather have a lactating male U.S. president than the grotesque gangster in chief we have now. You owe us a much deeper and serious analysis of the incoming election. Your frivolous, "bush-monologues" are just not funny anymore. Not with the Euro at 1.42 to the dollar; not with all the money-grabbing; not with all the death. Indeed, your pieces on Gore, Dean, and Obama read now much more like insidious hit jobs. I hope that you at least get well paid for "selling the Bush".




And they said it was dead...

The zenest sound out of New York, like most things these days, comes from Brooklyn. The Escort collective makes the freshest disco sound of the moment. The white man tried to kill it, but, dude, it ain't dead at all. If this doesn't make you shake that bunda, it is you who are Zombying through life.

Escort - All Through The Night

Check out their myspace for other gems such as "A Bright New Life".




Stelarc in Bloomington!

Special Performance October 24, 2007: Stelarc



Em Portugal em breve

Passei o verão inteiro em Portugal sem escrever nada aqui.... Muitas coisas aconteceram, inclusivé grandes decepções com a ciência em Portugal das quais falerei em breve. Por agora, aqui vai mais uma coisa em que estou envolvido como co'organizador e que me leva a Lisboa para a semana:
ECAL2007: 9th European Conference on Artificial Life. September 10-14, 2007. Lisbon, Portugal

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